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Tutorials for STEM

@explicitHints false

STEM - CuteBot Controller

Let’s build a robot controller @showdialog

Let’s build a micro:bit project that will drive a CuteBot by sending messages over radio signal.

# BlocksExistValidator
// @highlight
let A_ButtonIsPressed = "A button IS pressed"
// @highlight
let A_ButtonIsNotPressed = "A button IS NOT pressed"
// @highlight
let B_ButtonIsPressed = "B button IS pressed"
// @highlight
let B_ButtonIsNotPressed = "B button IS NOT pressed"
// @highlight
let Pitch = "Pitch"
// @highlight
let RainbowLights = "RainbowLights"

To help you out, we have added these variables for you @showdialog

You will drag these onto your canvas later on

// @highlight
let A_ButtonIsPressed = "A button IS pressed"
// @highlight
let A_ButtonIsNotPressed = "A button IS NOT pressed"
// @highlight
let B_ButtonIsPressed = "B button IS pressed"
// @highlight
let B_ButtonIsNotPressed = "B button IS NOT pressed"
// @highlight
let RainbowLights = "RainbowLights"

Show your micro:bit name when it starts up!

Let’s start by dragging a ||basic:Basic:show string|| block into the top of ||basic:on start||. Drag ||control:Control:device name|| into to ||basic:show string||; this will show your micro:bit’s name.

// @highlight
let A_ButtonIsPressed = "A button IS pressed"
let A_ButtonIsNotPressed = "A button IS NOT pressed"
let B_ButtonIsPressed = "B button IS pressed"
let B_ButtonIsNotPressed = "B button IS NOT pressed"
let RainbowLights = "RainbowLights"

Set your radio group

Drag a ||radio:Radio:set group|| block into ||basic:on start||; enter your radio group number. Use a ||basic:Basic:show string|| block to show your radio group number. Add a ||basic:Basic:pause|| and set ms to 500 and add ||basic:Basic:clear screen||

// @highlight
// @highlight
// @highlight
// @highlight
let A_ButtonIsPressed = "A button IS pressed"
let A_ButtonIsNotPressed = "A button IS NOT pressed"
let B_ButtonIsPressed = "B button IS pressed"
let B_ButtonIsNotPressed = "B button IS NOT pressed"
let RainbowLights = "RainbowLights"

Add a forever block to your canvas, we will use this to know when button A is pressed

To control your CuteBot, drag a ||basic:Basic:Forever|| block onto your canvas

// @highlight
basic.forever(function () {


Add an if true then else block to your forever block

Drag a ||logic:Logic:if true then else|| block into your ||basic:Basic:Forever|| loop

basic.forever(function () {
// @highlight
    if (true) {
    } else {

Add code that checks if button A is pressed

Drag a ||input:Input:button A is pressed|| block into your if statement

basic.forever(function () {
// @highlight
    if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
    } else {

Add code to send a radio signal if the A button is pressed

Drag a ||radio:Radio:send string|| block into the top of the ||logic:if|| block, then drag the ||variables:Variable:A_ButtonIsPressed|| variable into the ||radio:Radio:send string|| block

basic.forever(function () {
    if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
// @highlight
    } else {

Add code to send a radio signal if the A button is not pressed

Drag a ||radio:Radio:send string|| block into the bottom of the ||logic:if|| block, then drag the ||variables:Variable:A_ButtonIsNotPressed|| variable into the ||radio:Radio:send string|| block

basic.forever(function () {
    if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
    } else {
// @highlight

To create a B button forever block, right click the A button forever block and duplicate it

Change the new block so that it works for the B button

// @highlight
basic.forever(function () {
    if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.B)) {
    } else {

Add a third forever block to your canvas, we will use this to know when your micro:bit is titled backwards

Drag another ||basic:Basic:Forever|| block onto your canvas. Tilting your micro:bit backwards will reverse your robot. Use a ||radio:Radio:radio send value " "|| block and drag ||input:Input:rotation (º) pitch|| into it.

basic.forever(function () {
// @highlight
    radio.sendValue(Pitch, input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch))

Add radio send string “Rainbow” to on logo pressed

To flash the Cutebot’s lights, drag a ||input:Input:on logo pressed|| block onto canvas and use ||radio:Radio:send string|| to send “Rainbow”

input.onLogoEvent(TouchButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {

Download and test your code!

Click |Download| to download your code onto your micro:bit to see it working, or click |Next| for stretch activities

If you have time, let’s use some pixels to know which way we are sending our CuteBot @showdialog

We can use the ||led:Led:plot|| block to turn ON a pixel. We can use the ||led:Led:unplot|| block to turn OFF a pixel. ||led:plot|| and ||led:unplot|| work like ||basic:Basic:ShowLeds|| block; however, they control the pixels on their own.

        # . . . .
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Let’s add plot & unplot to to our button A forever loop

The top left pixel will light up while A is pressed, to turn it on we need ||led:Led:plot x 0 y 0|| and to turn it off ||led:Led:unplot x 0 y 0||

basic.forever(function () {
    if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {
// @highlight
        led.plot(0, 0)
    } else {
// @highlight
        led.unplot(0, 0)

Now let’s add plot & unplot to our button B forever loop

The top right pixel will light up while B is pressed, to turn it on we need ||led:Led:plot x 4 y 0|| and to turn it off we need ||led:Led:unplot x 4 y 0||

basic.forever(function () {
    if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.B)) {
// @highlight
        led.plot(4, 0)
    } else {
 // @highlight
        led.unplot(4, 0)

What happens when you press A and B together?

Both the top left pixel and the top right pixel should light up! For our CuteBot that means go forwards.

Finally let’s add a new forever block to light up a pixel when tilting backwards to reverse our CuteBot

Drag a final ||basic:Basic:Forever|| block onto your canvas. Add an ||logic:Logic:if true then else|| block inside the ||basic:Basic:Forever|| block

// @highlight
basic.forever(function () {
    if (true) {
    } else {

Drag a number comparison block into the if statement

Drag a ||logic:Logic:< 0 = 0 >|| block into the ||logic:if else || statement.

basic.forever(function () {
 // @highlight
    if (0 == 0) {
    } else {

Set the comparison to rotation (º) pitch > 60

Drag ||input:Input:rotation (º) pitch|| into the left side of the comparison, set the comparison symbol to “>” and set the right side of comparison to 60

basic.forever(function () {
 // @highlight
    if (input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch) > 60) {
    } else {

Finally let’s add plot & unplot to our rotation / pitch forever block

Use ||led:Led:plot x 2 y 4|| to turn on the reverse pixel and ||led:Led:unplot x 4 y 0|| to turn it off.

basic.forever(function () {
    if (input.rotation(Rotation.Pitch) > 60) {
 // @highlight
        led.plot(2, 4)
    } else {
 // @highlight
        led.unplot(2, 4)

Download and test your stretch exercise

Click |Download| to download your code onto your micro:bit to see it working